Saturday 6 August 2011

Reclaiming the 3rd Wheel (Because Del Boy's Reliant Robin was legendary)

We've all been caught in that situation. You're single, or your lover person is busy, and you think "Oh, I know, I'll go see what [insert couples' names here] are up to". Suddenly it's just you, and two other people who are very much in love and not afraid of showing it. You're an extra, a gooseberry, a third wheel.

But fear no more because the solution is here! I don't know if you're meant to use proper names on blogs so for privacy I'll make them up for people :) My boyfriend...Jake...and I have a running joke with our mutual best friend, let's call her Polly, that she's our official third wheel. Jake and I are known for being - how shall I say this? - less than couple-y in group situations because, let's face it, it's cheesy, not nice to the single people and just plain lame to be all lovey-dovey in front of people. For example, on new year's eve most people had a lovely kiss at midnight, we had a high five. Just as fun and no one feels sad. It's a win.

So as Polly is single at the moment and summer is that weird time when people aren't around all at once as they're off gallavanting, we decided to reclaim the third wheel status as a good, unpatronising and super fun thing; to make it a wonderful experience to be adopted as a couple's third wheel, and hang out with them without feeling awkward or sad inside. But not only did we hang out with Polly, we took her on a date!

We went to the cinema together, bought some beverages and, apart from a moment where Polly said "let's hold hands!" and then awkwardly realised that going in the middle meant she was holding Jake's hand and that was weird, it was ridiculously fun! Now we have our other best friend...Hannah...fighting for joint third wheel custody over us because her boyfriend is away and we're just really fun!

There you have it, first social boundary broken! Go forth, dear friends, and book a table for 3 (just make sure you all pay dutch because dinner for 3 is hard on the student wallet!)

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