Friday 5 August 2011

Oh..Hi there! Let's get started, shall we?

Alright Kids? 

My sister said that if I want to be a brilliant writer and stuff I should start a blog and I'm always up for a shameless excuse to talk about me! People say they're entirely honest on Facebook and blogs etc or that they say everything they think but it struck me that no one is really that honest online are they?? 

For example; why does no one ever have a status about their certain time of the month? Or, at the risk of being crude, if they had a really good poo. Come on, we all think 'Oh, that was a good one' but no one ever says it, or at least I only do to a very select group of friends who understand that I have no social boundaries whatsoever. 

But why are some things acceptable to be open about, and other things not? And why only with certain friends? I have a best friend who, if there is a long queue in the loos, we'll go into the same cubicle together (albeit with a courtesy back-turn) but try that with my other friend from uni and suddenly it's: 'No you're bloody well not!' 

So that's what's going to be in this blog. All the things that we wish we could say, or never even thought too share, because we are afraid to. But life's too short to be shy and so many things in life are hilarious or thought-provoking, why not share them? Probably there'll be other things such as books, films, and a whole host of nerdy/christian merriment (yes I am one of those...a nerd...) So stick around, it's probably going to be gross, or I'll likely forget the original intention and just prattle on about star wars. Either way, let's have fun :) 

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