Monday 5 September 2011

Ok, you can look now...

In light of noticing I have a few readers of a more sensitive soul, (ahem, Pat) I thought I'd write about a social boundary-breaking experience that doesn't even mention farting, or IBS or bad personal hygiene of any kind (well, there might be a bit but I'll try...) I've even chosen LARGE font so that if something gross does come up (Bingo?) I can put it in teeny tiny font so you can skip over those bits. [ Just so you know this is a one blog only deal. I'm kind, but I'm not a saint. ]

A few weeks ago, if you'll recall, I disappeared from the bloggisphere to go to a festival for ten days. Don't pretend like you don't remember - I know you missed me. In fact, I actually went to 2 festivals back to back in the same field. For the first 5 days I was working in a cafe at Soul Survivor, a christian festival for young people. Then I stayed on for Momentum which is a similar festival for students and old, mature, wise people (ahem). Anyhoo...on the first night in the Cafe I was put on a team with 4 other girls, one of whom I knew from last year, but basically I didn't know these people. This is a very important bit to remember. Just so you're aware.

So, I'm chatting to these girls and it turns out one of them (who we'll call...Hayley? Hayley.) had just got back from Uganda and was going to Leeds Uni in September. This was fun and exciting because A) My friend 'Hannah' had just been to Uganda (and I had just watched The Last King of Scotland so I knew loads about Uganda thank you very much) and B) My friend 'Oliver' was at Leeds Uni. I thought - well she sounds lovely: NEW FRIEND ALERT! [And I don't make new friends easily - I'm very choosy] and I introduced her to Oliver and all t'others and fun times were had. Hooray. 

But why am I telling you this? Well, Hayley and OIiver and I were talking at the end of the first evening shift and she made some comment along the lines of 'I wish I were also staying for Momentum' and I, having only met her 5 hours prior (and being the NSB Super Nerd that I am) exclaimed 'Stay for Momentum!!!' to which she replied 'No one else I know is staying...' and I came back with 'Camp with us! YOU CAN SLEEP IN MY TENT!' 

I'd known her 5 hours...

Yet more remarkable than my desperate outburst was that Hayley didn't phone security, and, as Soul Survivor continued, we got to know her more and more and then -  same old, same old - we found out how awesome she was, she found out how awesome we are, one thing lead to another and she decided to stay for Momentum. Yay. 

Now all of this sounds like one long, and slightly drivelly, girl crush love letter...sorry...but I have an actual point. If I, or any one of my friends, were a 'normal' person, no one would have felt comfortable inviting a random stranger to essentially live with us for 5 days. And Hayley must be pretty cool too in order to agree to stay. And we're massive weirdos. I wouldn't have camped with us. We have stupid/wildly inappropriate games we play regularly called 'Knife, Fork or Spoon' and, the classic: 'Penis or Other?' 

So my point is that we get so stuck in labels in relationships and stupid details like how long we've known a person and how well we know them and whether or not we can tell them this or that because of these silly details and it's (sorry Mum) bollocks. I tell most people I meet anything they want to know about me. Yes, I have no shame and perhaps should have a bit more...and Yes, we met Hayley at a christian festival and not Glastonbury or anything, but she still could have been a murderous, rapey, drug dealer (less likely...but possible...) but we made a lovely new friend. She has a new friend at Uni to share a cupcake and a crossword with, ergo, everyone wins! Another social boundary broken, and not a fart in sight (oops, nearly made it).

P.S. (Pan, don't read on) Whilst writing this entry, my sister 'Grace' (who also made me start this blog - you're welcome) told me she read "Big Girls Don't Fart" out loud to her fiance 'Blanche' on a crowded train, which did greatly amuse me until Dad came in and topped it by informing me that he and mum went to Pilates, he stood at the front of the group and went into the first stretch and farted in front of everyone. I love my family. 

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