Saturday 15 October 2011

Rise of the Kindness Ninjas

Hello Blog Friends :)

Ok, so a lot of the social boundaries that we've been breaking have been, how shall I say this, of a bit of the two-fingers-to-you-and-your-personal-hygiene variety. And that's great, expect a lot more of that. Trust me, we've only just begun. But this one is something genuinely close to my heart as something we need to get out there and change. We're trying to start a revolution here, guys, might as well make it a cool lovely one. 

I don't know how many you of are, like myself, Jesus Nerds (that's both liking Jesus, and generally nerdy things, and combining the two to be a nerd about Jesus - it works on so many levels) but something that always comes up in church every now and again (and frankly, not enough) is this thing called 'Random acts of kindess'. Heard of it? Maybe not, and I'll tell you why.

The idea behind random acts of kindness is that, whether on behalf of the J-man or just to be quite nice, you do something unabashedly, unashamedly kind for someone. It could be someone you know or a stranger. You could give a chocolate bar to a homeless person, or do your housemate's washing up. Jesus told us to feed the poor, mourn with those who mourn and generally save the world, and Mark Twain told us 'The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up.' So, this is for Christians and Atheists alike. All in the name of spreading the joy and making the world just that little bit nicer. Lovely. 

However, the thing that makes it EXTRA lovely (and let's be honest, completely awesome) is if it's done secretly and steathily so no one knows it's you. Hence, the rise of the Kindness Ninjas. Have you ever met anyone who's a ninja? No. And if you have, you don't realise it. Why? Because Ninjas are secretive and cool. Fact. Thus, my friends, we must become like ninjas in our pursuit of joy-spreading. Joey Tribiani once said there's no such thing as a selfless good  deed, so we must do what Phoebe couldn't and prove him wrong. Take pride out of the equation. It also works if, like me, you're not too good at actually being nice to people because it's lame and squirmy. Problem solved.

And the reason Kindness Ninja-ing is breaking social boundaries is because people simply don't do it.  I've been known to do a 'stealth lovely' and it's either gone completely unnoticed or people say 'who washed my car for me? That's creepy...' because people don't expect people to be nice for the sake of it, without anything in it for them. How sad is that? Doesn't that need changing? 

So go forth, you bloggy hunks of beauty. Write a lovely note to a friend and post it anonymously, stop someone in the street and give them some flowers, you could even K-ninja it up for people in the developing world and switch your mum's tea bags for fairtrade ones and see if she notices (mine didn't, now there are happier people in Africa. That's a fact.) Just remember, be nice, but don't tell anyone. It's a secret...

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