Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Hey Blog Buddies :) How's it hanging? (I've just thought about where that joke may have come it a penis reference? In which case, why would you want to know how it's hanging? What possible relevance could that have to your life?) a humanities student, this week marks the glorious annual event known as 'exam week'. You may think this is about to cause a massive revision rant, based on a sarcastic interpretation of the above sentence, but no, my friends, no. January exam week is indeed genuinely glorious for yours truly, as, for reasons best known to those in charge, English Literature students NEVER have january exams. Not once since I left high school. Summer is a different story. For some reason, we creatives are deemed less delicate, and more inclined to cram quotes into our left-side-heavy brains in June rather than January, but this is really a rather long and, frankly, pointless preamble to let you know that I've had a extortionate amount of free time since last thursday. Hooray. 

However, the week before I had 4 coursework deadlines and I was a less than happy bunny. We always find ourselves thinking 'Oh, I fancy baking...not till after thursday' or 'When we all finish we're going to have SO MUCH FUN!' yet, as I sit here after 7 days of stress-free free time I wonder, what have I actually done with it? 

Of the 7 days I've had off, I've spent 5 of them locked up in my room. Today it's nearly 4pm and I haven't even left the bed except to make tea. I've not showered since saturday...I think...And what have I got to show for this generous gift of time I've been given? On sunday, one trip to Church, and then the pub, and I went to lunch with my friend Christina yesterday. That's it. Oh, and I made banana cupcakes and drew a picture of Batman. What a productive week! 

And don't get me wrong, I had an excellent time at the pub, and Nandos with C is always delightful, but that's kind of my point. I had all this time to see people, to go visit friends at other Unis, to have a conversation that doesn't start with 'I HATE DOING WORK!' and I didn't use it. Instead, I have sat in my jammies watching TV programs about people who don't exist, award shows honouring people, despite following them on twitter, that I don't know, and stalking facebook pages of people I don't even like. You might think that sounds like a lovely break, and on day 1, it kind of was, but on day 2, when I was meant to see Christina but cancelled because I felt unwell, it was dull and, to be honest, depressing. 

I've realised that really, we all live in this hyperreality where we play the Sims and read sci-fi novels (just me? Ok, pick something else fictional) and nothing is real. I have 436 facebook friends. I don't have that many in real life! Not even close; I'm an acquired taste. My housemate Jamie actually noticed that she was losing a facebook friend a day but she only noticed because she started checking the numbers each day. If I lost a friend in real life, I would definitely notice which one it was and actually care that they'd gone - it's not hard I only have like 4. 

But why do we live like this? Is it better? Yes I seem more popular, but it's all numbers. My Sim on the Sims social has a really cool house, but it's all just stuff. And it's not even real stuff, it's virtual stuff! Playing video games doesn't make you a cowboy or a footballer or a guitar hero, it means you've wasted your time pretending to rise through the levels when you could have actually been playing football or learning the guitar (Ok, I'll give you cowboy. I don't see how you can pull that one off in real life) but I just saw a pop-up ad for a golf game that said 'It's the most realistic game of golf ever' No it isn't. Do you know what is? Golf! 

We think we're breaking social boundaries on the internet but really we're not. People who air their grievances on facebook aren't free, they're hiding behind their laptops. No one can really sort out their problems in their statuses, nor can they really be consoled by anyone's comments because anyone can type 'aww babes feel better x'. If I'm brutally honest, all this internet surfing and tv streaming has just got me all depressed and lonely because I'm bored. I'm distracting myself from my boredom, but underneath I'm still bored and whiling away the hours until bedtime. It's pointless, I've essentially wasted a week of my life and each day the highlight hasn't been a great programme or a hilarious tweet but when I've bothered to leave the house or pick up the phone.

So get out of bed, you lazy swines! (Too much?) Go see a friend, be together, be real. Actually learn something useful or just DO something, rather than pretending to. And don't wait until you've got more time because, even when you have it, you don't use it, so make the time. In short, live.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Why Ursula Got it Right

Hello Friends, 

Well it has been a while, hasn't it? My last entry was over 2 months ago - now that's shocking. All these social boundaries in the world are still alive and kicking and there is no Super Nerd to attack them. Shameful. However, you'll be pleased and relieved to hear that my new year's resolution is to manage, no matter how busy I may be, to do a blog a week AT LEAST. And if I don't you may suggest some ridiculous forfeit for me or something. Penance indeed. 

Now as we've just finished the festive season, I'd like to talk about something that pops up a lot this time of year: dogs. Not christmas? Not new years? Not the birth of the baby Santa and Jesus going around giving the world presents? (I may have got confused there...) But no. Dogs. Stupid flipping dogs. 

You know how there are dog people and cat people? I do not fall into either category. I am a tortoise person. I love my tortoise. She wanders about her run, has a bit of lettuce, goes for a nap for 3 months out of the year, lovely. I can tolerate a cat. I actively dislike dogs. Firstly, they're not cute. Babies, yes. Those tiny bottles of toiletries you take on holiday, of course. Dogs, no. Not cute. Secondly, they do all the things that, if done by any human being, you would never speak to them again and possibly get a restraining order. They jump at you, bark at you, drool, bite and poo on the carpet. They STINK and cover you with hair and are just generally bothersome.

Jake, however, is desperate for a dog. And so every year at this time he starts giving those (cue pun) puppy dog eyes and shows me every cute dog that his extended family possesses in order to sway me that they are a) lovely and b) desirable and if we ever live together we should totally get one. It's not going to happen. And this rant isn't to do with a social boundary as much as it is to do with a lack thereof. I speak, of course, not of the adorable little runts themselves, but of their owners. 

How many happy lovely walks in the park have been ruined by the presence of some yappy little bum-sniffer, as they run up to you and jump at your personal areas because their owner simply laughs and says 'Oh, don't mind him. He's harmless.' Actually, he's harmed my personal space so, no, Mr Dog Owner, not harmless. Or say you go to someone's house, perhaps a new friend you've never officially visited, perhaps a friend of a friend, and the minute you ring the doorbell, you hear the soul destroying sound of barking. The dog comes to the door, and the owner might make a pathetic attempt to restrain them a bit, but you've not been warned and you're constantly on edge for the rest of the evening. How pleasant for all involved. Well, it is for the dog. 

My point is, people with dogs assume that everyone is comfortable with dogs, or at least not so uncomfortable that they ponder running away but then worry even more about the dog chasing them and so freeze in a state of panic and confusion. There are exceptions, I've met perhaps even 1 whole dog that I can tolerate and even be indifferent towards (only because he's trained to go away when someone says go away, but hey, it's something.) But to cut a long rant short, consider the dog-fearers, people, or you might find yourselves in a little mermaid situation (First 6 seconds...)